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Which Role is the most important and why?

Which role impacts on the team the most?Who is the most important in your team?We can talk about this quite a lot and it's not easy to choose a single role that is the most important.Every member of the team is equally efficient and everybody can carry the game.But let's get this clear!




     People are making a lot of faults when they start to choose the most impactful member of the team.You may think it's not so important, but people are making in-game mistakes because of this.The most common fault is "The champions who deal the most damage are the most important". But it's not right.Champions like Leona and Nautilus have a lot of CC (Utility) and are able to lock down and let their team to kill champion like Caitlyn.What about Shen and Tryndamere, who splitpush all the time and bring a lot of troubles to the enemy team?Of course, among this champions Caitlyn deals the biggest amount of damage.But thing that She deals the most of damage is not only her point,her allies also take part there!


      Well, let's refuse the fact that damage is the most important thing in League of Legends.But it's not true aswell.A lot of people think that Caitlyn's job is just right-clicking and waiting until the enemy dies, but meanwhile she also has to use utility : spells(traps,red buff,net) and kiting to position herself to be able to stay in teamfight and keep shooting.So it comes that kill potential formula looks like this :





To say it in other words, you need to have damage, utility and your team's help to win the game.




      So we must play champions who just have a lot of CC/Utility and damage?Usually this champions are caster's(AP or AD, usually midlaners).They have both decent damage and utility.So, five casters - New OP Meta, isn't it?As a result, champions like Fizz and Zed are the most important, because they've got a lot of damage and utility?



       Yep, that's right, they've got a lot of damage and utility (mobility).For example, they can easily deal tons of damage and dodge enemy skillshots and safely get out from the fight ( Zed ulti, Talon ulti, Akali and her Twilight shroud etc.).But they've got one huge disadvantage.



     They all depend on gold&items very hard.Especially they depend on how much more gold they've got than their enemies.If you will go 5 assasins team, you will notice that general efficiency will decrease.Why?Because you will have to share gold.As a result, nobody will have decent amount of gold/items.So it comes, to make team effective, there should be a champion who will sacrifice his gold to allies.All champions, who has strong kill potential are very farm dependent.If you are farming well, you'll get kills.But if you're not farming, you'll have a big problems.For example, Fizz.If he has gold advantage, he'll just blow up enemy carries.But if he falls behind from the very beginning, he'll be very weak.So let's change our formula for a little bit:





     So what poor soloq players should do to carry themselves through EloHell?

    First of all, remember the kill potential formula.The point of winning the game is creating positive environment for your team to have kill potential.



     Nice team setup ,strategy and small amount of   golddependent champions is the point of winning games.You should analyze gold distribution in your team and choose the champion who will take the biggest amount of farm.For example, utility champions don't need that much gold,when Carries and Assasin's should farm a lot to become as effective as possible.Important thing is that utility champions should not just increase the amount of your team's damage.They should decrease  the amount of enemy team damage aswell.Did you remember the formula?(Damage*Utility)/Enemy's toughness = Kill Potential.



     You must try to play as a team, as 5.For example, If Sona uses Flash+Ult, but her team doesn't reacts well, the efficient stun duration of crescendo is no longer that 0.25 seconds.You should be very patient to watch not only your's and enemies movements, but your teams aswell.



     You also shouldn't forgot about champions who has strong 1vs1 potenital (Jax,Fizz,Tryndamere etc.).They are the most effective when they splitpush.It makes enemy team to seperate, so assasins are having more chances to find a lonely target and burst him down.


     Thanks for reading!I hope you enjoyed!See you later!:D

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