League of Legends logo

League of Legends logo


We should see enemy team's Dragon & Baron kills on the top right corner (Image inside)

     I've noticed that when enemy team kills Baron or Dragon the icon on top right corner does not appears.You can see it only in chat...

    Adding this option is a good idea I think, This should look like this :


    Of course it should be shown only when you have vision on Baron/Dragon, so it won't change gameplay at all...

    Assist isn't actually that needed but good too.


    You don't understand what I'm talking about?Check out this video and watch on top right corner where kills are shown.Had you noticed the difference?


Snoopeh and Krepo officially join Team Dignitas!

P.S. Scarra has confirmed it's a joke on his stream :D


Feels like Shyvana is a sleeper OP!

        I've got a lot of games like that when I'm outfarming everybody as a Shyvana.She's just too mobile, tanky and damagy, so she can clear jungle camps fast & farm some lanes when your ally is basing/ganking/dead/.With this style of playing I'm AFK farming , I gank only when I see 100% kill opportunity.Here are screens for some of this games:




        I will add some more screenshots and write a guide for Shyvana soon!


Communicate with your team better! (Tips inside)

    Here's my article about communication with your teammates.People think it's not so important but it actually is.Thousands of games are lost because of misunderstandings between players.Here are my advices of improving communication with your team for the win!


Please upvote my article on Reddit to make sure that all your teammates will follow my tips!




That's how not connected players should look at loading screen

           New not connected image                                    The old one


P.S. sorry for old screen, couldnt find the new one.



Another articles :

Improve your mechanics!

Which role is the most important and why?


Improve your mechanics!

    I've found a web-site where you can train your reflexes(reaction, aim speed etc.)!It's russian site but you can choose english language (I already did it)



     I advice you to start with easy trainings:

1)Exact Aiming     

Basic training of accuracy.

2)Press Reaction

Basic training of reflex reaction.

3)Fast Aiming     

Basic training of quickness.


    And only after that you should go for another, harder trainings.Here is  a full web-site!Enjoy!


    If you keep training everyday, You will notice your results in trainings improved.Later on you will notice your results in games will improve!I know its by myself!


    Thanks for reading!Hope you enjoy it!

Unusual & Funny but Still Effective Build #1 : AOE Gangplank

        Funny build #1 : AOE/Gold farm Gangplank

      This is my first funny build guide.I will rate every build by

Fun and Effectiveness. Here it is :


FUN - 10/10

Effectiveness - 7/10