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Most popular champions in SoloQ : commentaries

Let's talk about the most popular champions in SoloQ last month.Here is chart of this champs :



Let's talk about every single champion now!




     I can't say that Caitlyn is the most popular champion because she's OP.In my opinion she is very popular because her early and late game are both powerful.I think people who want to play solid and don't throw games take Caitlyn because she can freefarm in 90% of cases.If she wins lane - she is winning lane hard, If she is losing lane - She's not losing it so hard, just being behind in csing.She also has not bad escape, so it makes her quite easy ADc.But the most important reason I think is that She can deal damage from so far away, that she is able to carry like 80% of games (If you are good Cait ofc :)




    Ezreal is something similar to Caitlyn, especially in blue build that made him so popular right now.That kite&poke potenital is really huge...Everything I said about Caitlyn can be used to describe Ez ( good early&late game, escape, easy to learn etc.).I think that this two champions are on top of this chart because People just want to deal damage & carry games without taking any risks and feels like it's a fact.



Lee Sin                                                           

     I'm sure that 90% of summoners saw that inSec play at LCS allstar.And now everybody wants to be just the same.So much people are failing desperately trying to make that"Q -Q-W on ward-R"  plays...

     One more reason of Lee Sin being so popular is his high mobilty (especially with sightstone).People love playing flashy champions who can jump like 4-6 times with Q and W in teamfights and knock enemies into their team.Lee also has a lot of combo's with his spells to make - this makes him more interesting as a champion for summoners.




     Vayne is my main champion and i was astonished when saw Vayne at fourth place ( I was sure that I'm playing unusual and rarely picked champ ).Though Vayne has problems in lane phase She can bounce back and carry her team in late game.Her high mobility (tumble with stealth and condemn) and ability to 1v1 any champion on the map make's her such an easy champion to carry games.Different Vayne mechanics vids look nice and make ppl to try Vayne too.




     Leona is the most popular support at the moment.I think that having Leona as a supp increases bottom lane chances to win early  game like twice.She has a lot of burst damage, tankiness and tons of CC ( 2 stuns and one momentary root with E spell).Having so much pros allows her to be the most picked support at that moment (IMO Nami is better).




    Lux...She's also here!Dunno what is Lux doing here.Where is TF?Where's Jayce?Of course Lux has a long range burst, medium CC and shield but it doesn't make her OP champion.I think that reason of her popularity is same as Ezreal's and Caitlyn abilty to deal Tons Of Damage from looong range and maybe Lee Sin's ability to make nice combos with her spells.She has also easy lane phase but some Heavy AD assasing like Zed may be nightmare for this Demacian girl..




    Thing that Draven's here is quite obvious for me.Draven was overpowered this month and today Riot's nerfed it changing his passive (Thx!).Draven was such a LanePhaseBeast!He was winning lane against every single AD carry...Snowballing with some agressive support like Leona was easy thing.Though Draven became a little bit weaker in late game it doesn't matter.Most of goodDravenGames ended too fast because of bottom lane dominating.Though He has no escape anyways He is quite easy champion to learn.




     Sona is a great support.She suits both agressive and passive playstyle and it's great because you don't know what is your AD carry playstyle ( If your not duoqueueing ofc).Her ultimate allows her to have a huge impact in teamfights and carry her team.One more thing that makes her popular is that Sona is also frequently used in LoL pro scene.




     Janna was always solid support.She suits almost every AD carry.Her global passive , Shield and some CC were always making her great "Carry defender".Her ultimate is also great against different champions like Kennen and Zac.




      For me it is obvious that Thresh is taking part in this chart. He is quite good support who can carry team with hooks and lanterns. He also has nice base damage that allow him to kill low HP enemy champions.And of course everybody knows Thresh prince and his incredible plays.This also makes lots of people to try out this champ!



     One strange thing is that there's no toplaners here.Maybe it's because when you must take top you have a big pool of champions to choose.So there's no one or two the most popular one's.One more reason may be that toplaners can be different : you can be AP top like Kennen, tanky top like Shen or AD top like Wukong etc.



    All this "The most popular" champions are different ( though some of them has similar playstyle) but they all are hard to master.This champions are not OP easy "one button " champs, so it means that People want to master one or two interesting and hard champions and just carry games with it.


Thanks for reading!CYA :*

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