LCS EU W4D2 Recap
Here is recap of second and final day of LCS EU summer week 4!
Game 1 : NiP vs ATN
As I wrote yesterday, I was almost sure that ATN will lose this game and will not be that powerful without FLord.NiP was good enough from the very beginning but ATN slightly took the advantage in their hands.Creaton,Araneae and Kerp showed their best skills and won the game finally!WP Alternate!
Game 2 : SK vs EG
If you read my post yesterday you know that I'm big SK fan and of course I hoped that my favourite team will win.Ocelote&company began pretty agressive , taking FB on invade and going for 6 1 lead in kill and around 3000 gold lead.But obviously SK made their typical mistakes : too much hesitation and fear to throw the game.EG slightly took the gold lead ( from 2-4 thousands to 10 in the end) and won the game!GG EG!
Game 3 : LD vs GMB
I thought that this game will be even.But GMB disappointed and shocked me.Every single player was playing not that good as it was expected.Diamond, Alex Ich, Darien and even Genja were all making untypical mistakes.In my opinion that was the most "one-sided" game for the whole week.Why am I talking about Gambit members only?Lemondogs performed really great!They deserved this victory!Congratulations for LD!
Game 4 : FNC vs ATN
I wasn't watching this game( I was a bit busy),but I saw some gamechanging moments.Fnatic performed really well.ATN just needed ForellenLord to win this game I feel...Gongratulations for Fnatic!
Game 5 : SK vs MYM
I was sure that is the game for SK to win, because losing this game would root them in the bottom of the LCS standings.And I was right.SK showed solid gameplay taking second invade FB and getting gold advantage every single minute.Everybody shined!HyrQbot with his Rengar pick showed That he can also create the meta, Ocelote proved his skill and silenced all his haters, CandyPanda , Kev1n and Nyph performed on very high level!
I enjoyed watching this game and was happy when SK finally got so desired Victory! GJ SK!
Game 6 : NiP vs EG
I expected NiP winning this game, and it was like that.The game was close and even from the start of the match, but NiP outplayed their opponents strategically.They won laneswap, they denied Froggen from snowballing and won this game finally!I think that EG's weak lane is bottom.Both Yeallowpete and Krepo are playing like the worst bottom EU at the moment (IMO ofcourse).EG should make some roster changes or train hard to improve their individual skills ( I think that changing atleast ADc is much easier way).GG WP NiP!
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