I'd like to announce you that I'm going to post an articles about my ranked games on RU/CIS server where I'm desperately trying to get diamond until season 4 begins.Now I'd like to tell you about three games that I've managed to win today and get a little bit closer to my dream! :D
Here is my first game :
Laning phase was very strange and close.As I was duoing with my close friend (AI Saint Judge - Thresh) we've managed to get the upper hand from the very beginning of the game.I've outfarmed enemy Ashe quite hard (about 20-50 cs throughout the game), but because of their powerful burst damage we had bad times for bit (Thresh and me died once and we were getting zoned for 3-4 minutes).But because of gold and item advantage we bounced back!Teamfights wasnt a huge problem as Shyvana (yep, she's top) and Ziggs won their lanes.We kept winning teamfights one by one and finally won the game.
Here's second game of this day :
I've took Caitlyn because we had Zyra and I was sure that Cait fits Zyra great ( just because of their powerful early game and long range).We faced Jinx and Karma on the bottom lane.We totally blew them up and dominated in every aspect of the game.Game was actually easy, my score is 8 5 just because I died to Morgana a couple of times ( I just underrestimated Morgana's damage because she's very rarely picked champion :(.
The third game of the day :
The game started with 2 kills for our team as we've done perfect invade on the bottom lane.Funny thing is that Annie died twice(first time because of facecheck and second time because of trying to steal redbuff).It made my life much more easier as I've dominated early laning phase (IMO that's the hardest times for Vayne) just because Annie wasn't here.The game was quite close, but not for our bottom lane.We (Me and Fiddle) had the biggest impact on the whole game as we had huge item advantage, lots of damage and CC.Three easy games today, GGWP :D
I'd also like to tell you about the match I played 2 days ago :
I've just forgot to change smite and had to deal with it XD.Strangely nobody said a single word about that (WTF?).Smite was actually very useful as I've manage to take big golem at level 1 and get and smited siege minion every second wave :D.It gave the upper hand on bottom lane because I was 1 level ahead all the time :D.That was a fun and easy game in the end... #CREATING THE META
Now I've got 61 LP in Platinum 1 and I'm a litlle bit closer to Diamond.I feel good about my games today because I won all three lane phases today(though it's my biggest disadvantage in LoL IMO).My farm looks not that good , but I outfarmed all my enemy AD carries and mid-late game where nobody has time to farm started very fast...
P.S. Sorry for bad images, I forgot to printscreen but next time I'll be better :3.
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